When I lived in Canada, I became friends with Japanese people and became interested in Japan. In 2018, I lived in Osaka for a year and returned to the UK, then returned to Japan in 2020 and worked as an English teacher for three years. The reason I joined Magari Japan was when I found a job offer at Hello Work. I had experience as an automotive engineer in the UK, and was looking for a job where I could put my knowledge and skills to use. Magari Japan’s job is to buy used Japanese cars at auction, introduce them to overseas customers, and sell them. All communication with overseas customers is in English, so I thought this was a job where I could utilize my strengths.
明確なコミュニケーションがポイント Clear communication is important
To negotiate with customers.
However, once I joined the company, I realized that even though I had some knowledge about cars, it was my first time working in an export business and there were many things I didn’t understand. The people around me taught me patiently and carefully, and I think I was able to learn a lot during my first year at the company.
My work day starts with checking emails from overseas customers when I arrive at the office. Then, we check the cars that are up for auction and communicate with customers via chat. It is important to communicate clearly and negotiate with the customer to ensure a good deal for both parties.
よりキャリアアップをめざしたい I want to continue
growing up my career
In the future, I would like to focus on cultivating new customers. New customers come from our website or through referrals from existing customers. I also want to study more about trade and distribution and gain knowledge and experience.
Magari Japan is a company where all the staff are friendly and comfortable. And since we support you at all times, you can always work with confidence. I think it’s a great environment to continue to take on new challenges with enthusiasm and grow yourself.